Resources for Discernment
As promised, here is a (slightly delayed) post including some of our favorite resources on the topic of discernment. Add them to your wishlists or give them a listen, and enjoy!
Ashim D’Silva, Unsplash
The Stillness Collective Mediations
Our friends at The Stillness Collective create beautiful guided audio mediations (accompanied to music created by their very own David Buchs!). They're beautiful, and you can receive them right in your inbox by subscribing to their email list.
A Guide to Spiritual Discernment by Reuben P. Job
If you're familiar with Upper Room's devotionals through the liturgical calendar, then you'll probably enjoy this one, too, written and compiled by Reuben P. Job all around the topic of discernment. It's a 6-week devotional in the same style as A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants.
Transforming Center's Blog
Ruth Haley Barton and friends at the Transforming Center do a lot of great work around discernment, and he blog is a great resource. Two posts that we think are particularly helpful: "Discernment: Finding God in All Things" and "From Decision-Making to Discernment: One Leader's Experience."
The Next Right Thing Podcast by Emily P. Freeman
This is one of my very favorite podcasts. Based upon her book of the same name, Emily's podcast is usually a short podcast that often includes helpful questions and meditations to ponder. Her voice is also so gentle and a delight to listen to.
The Discerning Leader Podcast by Leadership Transformations, Inc.
Steve Macchia and friends have created a podcast centered around discernment in leadership, and it's excellent. Season 17 is particularly helpful. Steve also recently released a book titled The Discerning Life.
The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman
If you haven't yet picked up this book, do it! Emily approaches decision-making from a deeply formational and practical place, and it's a resource I find myself picking up again and again.
The Way of Discernment by Elizabeth Liebert
One of the most practical books on discernment is Liebert's. Every chapter includes at least one helpful prayer practice to integrate into your discernment, and she writes in such an easy-to-read style.
What Do You Really Want? by Jim Manney, SJ
This is a very accessible introduction to Ignatian discernment, and includes a particularly insightful section on consolation and desolation.
Full of wisdom and a keen understanding of the human soul, Nouwen's short work on discernment is another helpful resource.
God's Voice Within by Mark Thibodeaux, SJ
This one comes recommended by our friend Janine from The Stillness collective, and it's sitting on our wishlist right now!
There are so many more resources we could mention, but this is a good start! Any other resources on discernment you'd include in this list? Share with us!