curate ministries
A spiritual Formation and Soul Care Ministry
Curate your heart. experience God’s fullness. be transformed.

Our vision is simple:
We walk alongside ministry leaders, teams, and couples, helping them live and lead out of the fullness of Christ.
At the foundation of CURATE is the belief that there is always more of God to know, and always more of His love to experience. We’d love to join you in your pursuit of a deeper life.
A few of our offerings
Spiritual Direction
Deepening intimacy with God and becoming more aware of His transforming presence
Retreats and Workshops
Gathering in community to experience God and deepen your prayer life
Spiritual Formation in Marriage
Becoming soul friends with your spouse
Spiritual Formation For Churches and Teams
Developing spiritual community with your ministry team and cultivating communal discernment
Upcoming events
looking to deepen your life with God?
You’re welcome here, friend. If you’re looking for ways to cultivate a deeper, fuller life with Jesus, to encounter the fullness of God, and to be transformed by the Spirit’s movement in and through you, we have resources and opportunities for you!
Check out our “For You” page to learn about spiritual direction, journeying through the Ignatian Exercises, our upcoming retreats and workshops, and to find resources for curating your heart.
“I am eternally grateful for Bryan’s ministry and caring demeanor towards me. Throughout my time with Bryan, I have been able to cultivate a greater awareness of God’s love and care for me beyond when we meet. I’ve even seen this impact the way I lead people, most often through asking questions and providing a listening ear. When I struggle to hear from God, I know that He is using Bryan to get my attention.”