For Your Church or organization

Helping you and your team cultivate a formational culture


We lead custom retreats for your team, including:

  • a FREE initial consultation to discuss duration, theme, desired outcomes, and more

  • a fully-crafted and customized retreat, from the schedule to the content, prayer practices, and more

  • confidential spiritual direction sessions with attendees

  • facilitation of the retreat

Possible themes for these retreats include:

  • Our Belovedness

  • Abiding in Christ

  • Rest and Renewal

  • Soul Care Practices and Rhythms

  • Communal Discernment

  • Spiritual practices such as Rule of Life, the Prayer of Examen, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, and more

Inquire for a free consultation. Cost depends upon your needs and budget.


Spiritual formation in your context

Ministry leaders need a deepening formational life with god.

We know the conversation around spiritual formation and soul care is growing, as many churches, leaders, and ministries are recognizing that developing a deep, abiding life in Christ is central to our faith and to our leadership. Developing a culture that values and integrates spiritual formation starts with leaders like you.

If you’re asking questions around how to prioritize and integrate a culture of formation and care in your own life or organization, we’d love to share what we’ve learned with you! While we consider ourselves lifelong learners on this particular subject, we love meeting with others to offer the wisdom we’ve cultivated and encourage them along their journey.

Free initial consultation


Church Health Assessment Tool

We are trained and certified in Leadership Transformations International’s CHAT (Church Health Assessment Tool), a robust church-wide anonymous survey that enables you to prayerfully assess and understand your church’s health.

The Curated church initiative

Cultivating Communal Discernment as a Leadership Team

Creating a formational culture in your church is no small task, and we believe it begins and flourishes with a healthy ministry team. The CURATED Church Initiative seeks to create safe spaces to help church leadership teams become spiritually and emotionally whole communities that mutually discern the voice and movement of God together and lead their congregations in how to do the same.

Participants in the CCI will:

  • experience personal spiritual rejuvenation and care

  • move from a team of individual leaders to a spiritual community

  • experience increased trust, compassion, and appreciation amongst their leadership community

  • gain deepened clarity of church culture, mission, vision, and values resulting from shared life and shared experience

The FULL CCI PROGRAM includes:

A 3-month guided journey through the Ignatian Exercises as a team:

The Ignatian Exercises are a 500-year-old prayer experience designed specifically to draw you into closer communion with Jesus and cultivate discernment. Our 3-month version designed specifically for leadership teams allows your team to have a shared prayer experience that develops spiritual community and increases trust and compassion for one another. This also includes three one-hour sessions of spiritual direction for each staff member as well as eight sessions of group spiritual direction.

A communal discernment retreat:

We’ve designed a one-day retreat for your team that will enable you to discern together where God is leading your ministry.

Ongoing care and investment from the CURATE team:

We as the CURATE team commit to ongoing care and investment in your team, whether that’s through consultation or providing spiritual direction for your staff.


The total cost will depend upon your budget and team size, and will be determined upon an initial consultation. (A good estimate for the full program is $750-1,250/person.)

A-La-Carte Option

Each part of the program can also become a single or a-la-carte option:

  • 3-month guided journey through the Ignatian Exercises for your team: $500/pp (includes eight sessions of group spiritual direction, plus three one-hour sessions of individual spiritual direction for each staff member)

  • Communal discernment retreat: $1,000 for schedule, content, and facilitation of the day

  • Spiritual direction for your staff: Minimum of three one-hour sessions per person at $60/session (a 20% discount of our regular spiritual direction fee)