Favorite Spiritual Direction Resources
We’re doing a little June series to highlight spiritual direction, and to kick things off, I thought I’d start with a simple favorites post! I’ll highlight some great resources for those looking to learn more about the ministry of receiving spiritual direction and some helpful people and organizations to follow.
Aaron Burden, Unsplash
Learning About and Receiving Spiritual Direction
For those of you who have never experienced spiritual direction but are curious about it, here are a few recommended resources:
“Spiritual Direction: Why We Need It” by Mary Kate Morse on Missio Alliance
This short post on Mission Alliance’s website is a helpful, practical synopsis of spiritual direction.
“The Next Right Thing Podcast, Ep. 167: Spiritual Direction for Beginners” by Emily P. Freeman
Emily has a few helpful, short podcasts on spiritual direction, and this is one! Worth the listen.
Spiritual Direction: A Guide to Giving and Receiving Spiritual Direction by Gordon T. Smith
This is an excellent, easy-to-read book on what the ministry of spiritual direction is. Smith does a wonderful job of explaining our need for companionship in our faith journeys, which is exactly what spiritual direction offers!
Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship and Direction by David Benner
A classic in its own right, Benner does a beautiful job of depicting our need for friends and companions in order to know Jesus more deeply. (Bonus: there’s also a chapter on spiritual companionship in marriage, which we’re a big fan of!)
Soul Keeping: Ancient Paths of Spiritual Direction by Howard Baker
Howard Baker is a friend and colleague of ours, and his book on spiritual direction is a helpful guide to understanding it throughout church history.
What Spiritual Direction Is (...and what it isn’t) by Rachel Hehr
This is a blog post we wrote several years ago, taking a more technical approach to defining spiritual direction. There are two other posts that follow this one: What to Expect in Spiritual Direction and What Spiritual Direction Can Give You. (Stay tuned for an upcoming post on reflections as a spiritual director, where I’ll share a bit more from the heart of this ministry).
A Friend Who Sees a Spiritual Director
Do you have a friend that regularly meets with a spiritual director? They’re a great place to start if you have questions and want to learn more. Ask them about their experience and how spiritual direction has impacted their life with God. You may get some surprising answers!
Voices and Organizations to Follow
A few of our favorite fellow spiritual directors and organizations that offer spiritual direction:
Tara Owens, founder of Anam Cara
Tara is a dear friend (and happens to be our neighbor!), and we’ve learned a great deal from her about spiritual direction. Her voice is deeply honest, hospitable, and creative. Give her a follow, and while you’re at it, follow the organization she founded, Anam Cara. Anam Cara offers a wealth of spiritual formation resources and opportunities, including a stellar team of spiritual directors (any of whom I’d recommend!).
Adam Ormord and LifePoint Resources
Adam and his wife Rebekah are friends and their organization, LifePoint Resources, is a great resource for exploring spiritual direction. We have high respect for the Ormords and for the great work and ministry they’re doing. They recently launched a podcast called the Being Formed Podcast, with an episode all about spiritual direction.
Dale Gish
Dale, another friend and colleague, is an experienced spiritual director, particularly in leading folks through the Ignatian Exercises. Dale actually wrote his own version of the Ignatian Exercises,
We couldn’t have a list of organizations around spiritual direction and not list Renovare! Founded by Dallas Willard and Richard Foster, who really helped bring spiritual direction to the evangelical and non-denominational church 40ish years ago, Renovare has a wealth of resources on spiritual direction and formation, including webinars (like this one with Trevor Hudson and Jan Johnson), podcasts, articles (I highly recommend this one on spiritual direction by Richard Foster), and more.
Soul Care
Founded by Mindy and Jeff Caliguire, Soul Care is an organization that primarily focuses on providing spiritual formation and direction for pastors and leaders. We’re big fans of Mindy and her team, and they also have a stellar crew of spiritual directors.
Leadership Transformations Inc.
LTI is Steve Macchia’s organization, and it has its own spiritual direction arm, Selah. We have several friends who have trained under Selah to become spiritual directors. They, like many of the above organizations, have a directory of spiritual directors to choose from.
There are MANY, many more resources and voices we could list here, but this is a good start. We’ll be sharing how to find a spiritual director, some reflections from sitting in the spiritual direction space, and a few other posts here on the blog and on our instagram @curateministries, so follow along this June!
And, as always, if you have questions about the practice and ministry of spiritual direction, drop them below in the comments, or reach out to us directly. We’d LOVE to meet with you and answer any questions that you have!